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Registration as listener

Assistance to the scientific works of the XIII International Conference of AIM is free of charge. If you want a certificate of assistance, you must fill in the following form and, at the end, choose the option "Listener with documentation and certificate".

Personal Data

* Required fields

Name *
Address (include zip code and city) *
Tax Identification Number: (in case you need a receipt of payment)
Phone (mobile preferred) *
E-mail address *
Confirmation of the e-mail address *
How did you learn about AIM?

Academic Data

Curriculum Vitae Online
(e.g., Platform DeGóis, Lattes Platform)
Research affilliation
Teaching affiliation
Degrees *
(Please list your academic degrees in chronological order, according to the following scheme: Degree, University, Date of Completion and Title of the thesis. Please list also ongoing degree.)
Areas of interest

Type of submition